The "Roman Road" Series

Discovering the Power of Relational Evangelism

The Roman Road - Book Four: Finding the Path

Now we can talk about the good news. Without an appreciation of the bad news, the good news has no meaning. And the bad news is truly bad. Beyond bad. Eternally bad. This is the perspective of heaven and we would be wise to heed the warnings.

Christianity may be dangerous but it is also glorious. We know in our hearts that it must be true. It must be true that love will win the day. It must be true that I was meant to live forever. It must be true that people are incredibly valuable to God so much so that he, himself, suffered a horrible death to set us free.

Divine love wins. It’s as simple as that.

But that doesn’t mean yet that you and I will also win. There is a step in-between that must be taken.

We have sided with evil and must now choose to side with God. We can only do this because of Jesus Christ most certainly but it still must be done here and now in the real world, in the present moment.

We are called to Repentance, to Faith, to Follow. This is no mere belief and going on our merry way. It is transformational, like marriage is transformational, like having a baby is transformational. It isn’t just the idea that matters but rather living out the truth in our everyday lives.

Finding the Path is essential to our transformation and testimony. God has a purpose for us. We aren’t just saved and then we disappear into heaven (that would scare the geegibbess out of nonChristians).

We have work to do. We share in the purpose and work of Christ. Yes, it is all about our relationship with God. We now are friends of God because of Christ. But since we are now “in Christ,” we also share in his value system, his priorities, and his purpose. Paul calls it having “the mind of Christ.”

From crawling to walking to falling down to finding the path. These are the stages of our development as Christians. Each one is important to our transformation and testimony.

And our testimony is absolutely key.

Yes, the word of God is powerful and effective because of the work of the Holy Spirit, but people want to see real people who have embraced these truths and have been transformed as a result. They want to see real results. Therefore our testimony is essential to the process of evangelism.

Understanding the nature and quality of our struggle will be an eye-opener for many people. It isn’t about perfection in and of itself.

We will struggle but how will we struggle and will we truly fight for what we believe (in the power of the Spirit). That is what matters.

That is true discipleship. That is what it means to find the path on this Roman Road of Salvation.



Chapter One – Sin Addiction

Chapter Two – Friendship with God

Chapter Three – Breaking the Alliance

Chapter Four – Spiritual Virtues

Chapter Five – The Path

Chapter Six – The Holy Guarantee

Chapter Seven – The Sacred Moment (story)

Chapter Eight – The Nature of Our Struggle

Chapter Nine – The Quality of Our Struggle

Chapter Ten – The Eight Year Old Evangelist (story)


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