The Course Creator's Playbook

(Best Selling Book on Amazon)

The Course Creator's Playbook

by Ray Brehm (and 18 Successful Course Creators)


Amazon Best Selling Book by Ray Brehm (and 18 Successful Course Creators)

One of those "18 Successful Course Creators" is Bert A. Amsing writing a chapter on the Course Creator's Journey as he takes his book and makes it into a full-fledged course.

It really is the Hero's Journey that we are familiar with applied to a course. Although it is only one of many chapters by other very good authors, it outlines vividly the steps to be taken when writing out the path that your students must take to have a successful course experience.

Without that, you have nothing and your course won't sell. Feel free to buy the book on Amazon Kindle and get a feel for yourself on how to put together a course that will sell well and keep your students happy. Enjoy!

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