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The Holiness Project

Discovering the Power of Relational Holiness

If we cannot find joy in God’s plans for our lives, we will fight Him or ignore Him, and, certainly, we will find no joy in our relationship with Him.

But if we discover that God’s plans for us are full of joy beyond belief, then we may begin to understand that joy is, indeed, essential, and moreover, practical in ways that I am only just now beginning to understand.

For many of us, we simply don’t believe that God’s plans for us will bring us the benefits we want, the relationships we want, and the joy we want. God’s plans are “heavy” and difficult and often painful and takes great spiritual maturity to accept and carry them out. No doubt.

But that doesn’t sound like much joy. I think we are missing something.

Sometimes I hear people say that they always had a dream to be a great musician but they knew God wanted them to be a missionary and so that is what they did. Now they are back 30 or 40 years later, ready to retire and full of regret that they never pursued their dreams. What a tragedy!

Yes, God wants us all to build the Kingdom of Heaven and bring people to God for salvation to become disciples. If you have read anything that I have written over the past number of years, I believe that evangelism is the key focus of the church that all of us need to be involved in. The question is how?

The mistake to avoid is thinking that God’s plans for your life are somehow different from the dreams you have in your heart. After all, I remind them, who do you think put those dreams in your heart in the first place? Where do you think you got your musical skills?

Your job on this earth is self-actualization. Period.

Surprised? You shouldn't be.

"The glory of God is man fully alive" (in Christ) - St. Irenaeus

Book 1: Christian Hedonism


Chapter 1: Christian Hedonism

Chapter 2: Spiritual Joy

Chapter 3: Spiritual Goals

Chapter 4: Spiritual Foundations

Chapter 5: Spiritual Effort

Chapter 6: Spiritual Drift

Chapter 7: Spiritual Sacrifices

Chapter 8: Spiritual Sin

Chapter 9: Spiritual Perspective

Chapter 10: The Sacred Romance


Book 2: The Religious Spirit


Chapter 1: The Parable of the Religious Slave

Chapter 2: Religiously Deaf and Spiritually Blind

Chapter 3: The Three Truths of Holiness

Chapter 4: The Religious Leader

Chapter 5: The Religious Church

Chapter 6: The Religious Spirit

Chapter 7: The Shadow of the Cross

Chapter 8: The Means of Grace

Chapter 9: Revealing the Glory

Chapter 10: Spiritual Warfare


Book 3: Spiritual Power (the title is wrong on the book cover)


Chapter 1: Confession is Humility

Chapter 2: Repentance is Discipleship

Chapter 3: Forgiveness is Divine

Chapter 4: Reconciliation is Glory

Chapter 5: One to Another

Chapter 6: Be Imitators of God

Chapter 7: Grieving the Spirit

Chapter 8: Children of Light

Chapter 9: True Holiness

Chapter 10: The Anointing


Book 4: Spiritual Leadership


Chapter 1: Spiritual Leadership

Chapter 2: Spiritual Maturity

Chapter 3: The Anointed Leader

Chapter 4: Spiritual Fruit and Gifts

Chapter 5: Spiritual Disciplines and Armour

Chapter 6: Spiritual Training

Chapter 7: Spiritual Priorities and Focus

Chapter 8: Spiritual Warfare

Chapter 9: Spiritual Conversations

Chapter 10: Faith Therapy


Book 5: The 7 Laws of Spiritual Success (the title is wrong on the book cover)


Chapter 1: The 7 Laws of Spiritual Success

Chapter 2: The 7 Laws of Spiritual Success (continued)

Chapter 3: Life is Ministry

Chapter 4: Everything is Spiritual

Chapter 5: Ambition is Expected

Chapter 6: Discipline is Essential

Chapter 7: Discipleship is Warfare

Chapter 8: Stewardship is Accountability

Chapter 9: Leadership is Influence

Chapter 10: The Missing Link


Note: Titles and content may change as the books are developed. Enjoy!

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