The "Roman Road" Series

Discovering the Power of Relational Evangelism

The Roman Road - Book One: Starting to Crawl

They say that humans learn more and accomplish more in the first seven years of life than all the rest of their years combined.

They learn to eat by themselves. They learn to sit, then stand, and

then walk, run, skip, and jump. They learn a language (or two or three). They learn to read and write. It boggles the mind what is accomplished in those first years.

The Word says not to despise the day of small beginnings. Just because they are baby steps doesn’t mean that they aren’t some of the most important steps you can ever take.

The same is true in your walk down the Roman Road of Salvation. The Book of Romans can be daunting even to the teachers of the Word.

There is no better place to start than at the beginning and that means to understand the context of what Paul is trying to say. Who was he talking to? What was going on in that church at that time? It’s a good idea to let Paul try to introduce himself and his ministry first.

But it is also about us today. Getting our hearts and heads straight is an important first step. Understanding the power of Paul’s message and the approach that he took to sharing the Gospel is also key.

After all, starting right is half the battle, and a lot of things in Paul’s writings are misunderstood simply because they didn’t understand the assumptions that he was working with. We won’t make that mistake.

To top it all off, we will be introduced to a (fictitious) couple who are about to take the ALPHA course and try to understand their concerns and questions.

Knowing how to apply the truths of the Roman Road of Salvation to real-life situations and people is what Discovering the Power of Relational Evangelism is all about.

Let’s start walking (or in this case, crawling).



Chapter One – All Roads Lead to Rome

Chapter Two – Let Me Introduce Myself…

Chapter Three – ….and My Ministry.

Chapter Four – The Fight With Peter

Chapter Five – Getting Our Hearts in the Right Place

Chapter Six – Getting Our Heads on Straight

Chapter Seven – …and the Demons Trembled

Chapter Eight – The Five Pillars of Evangelism

Chapter Nine – Outfoxing the Fox (draft)

Chapter Ten – Truth in Flip Flops (story)


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