An "Influencer for Christ" Author

Bert A. Amsing

Created for His Pleasure

The joy of the Lord is my strength.

Getting rid of all my small ambitions

To make this one thing the hallmark of my life

To please God.

Whether I get what I pray for or not

Whether my circumstances change or not

Whether I am healed or not

To consider every sacrifice a small price to pay

To obtain the pearl of great price

His Pleasure.

This 80-page eBook is a collection of my favorite stories meant to inspire you in your own journey of faith. Enjoy!

So begins Jesus was an Alien (and Other Stories of Faith).

Here you might talk to Jesus about your difficult neighbors and get his perspective.
Here you may encounter God in flip-flops in a boardroom

or discover that Jesus was an alien (or not).

Here a funeral can be a wedding

and you can join the angels at Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil to listen

as God announces his Great Rescue Plan.

Discover the Way of the Desert Warrior with Joshua at the foot of Mt. Sinai.

Rejoice in the shock of Lucifer at the cross

as Jesus raises his spiritual head and looks upon his enemy in triumph.

All this, and more, awaits to inspire your own story of faith.

Read. Share. Enjoy.

Up & Coming

Here are my next two series that I wrote during Lenten Season two years in a row.

I haven’t published them on Amazon yet but I will let you know when they are available.

In the meantime, you may want to buy them here on this website and download them as a PDF.

I would appreciate any comments or suggestions you may have. Enjoy!

Seeking Jerusalem

Discovering the Power of Spiritual Unity

A five-book series (and an optional bundle) coming soon to Amazon. For sale on this website as a PDF.

The New Jerusalem is not just a reality in the new heaven and earth after the return of Christ. We are the "New Jerusalem" as a community of believers. Learning how to live and work together in the Spirit will bring the anointing of God to our lives and witness.

From your own personal Transfiguration through Radical Discipleship as you walk the Way of the Cross to the Anointing on the Road to Jerusalem, discover the power of Spiritual Unity in every area of your life.

The Roman Road

Discovering the Power of Relational Evangelism

A five-book series (and an optional bundle) coming soon to Amazon. For sale on this website as a PDF.

Walking the Roman Road of Salvation is based on the Book of Romans and gives us an evangelistic view of the key concepts of the Gospel. It isn't enough to quote scripture to potential new believers. It's time to dig deep and build relationships and help our friends understand the heart of God.

From your own personal walk with God as you start to crawl, learn to walk, fall down because of sin and finally find the path, you will discover how to talk in real, daily language the truths that can transform their lives. That is the power of relational evangelism.

Coming Soon

Get on the waitlist for my

new release called

"The Holiness Project"

Stay in Touch. Get our Newsletter.

2023 Bertie A. Amsing and Cross Talk Publishing. All Rights Reserved.