A five-book series (and an optional bundle) coming soon to Amazon. Available for free on this website (for now).
The Holiness Project is an ambitious project both in terms of living it out and writing it down. There is no better place to start than with the Spirit of Holiness. Until we know what the genuine article looks like, it's hard to tell when it is fake. That is the second step, defining the Religious Spirit.
We all suffer from that cancer and it is best to get it diagnosed and treated as quickly as possible.
Then comes the question of Spiritual Leadership and the related issue of Spiritual Power. They go together and, yes, we are all called to leadership in one form or another.
But then, finally, we need to talk about the 7 Laws of Spiritual Success. It may suprise you that this will take every effort and require ambition, discipline and even suffering in order to lead a life pleasing to God.
In any event, these thoughts are meant to inspire and encourage you in your own Holiness Project as you walk your own road of holiness.
I have heard that the Secret Service is responsible for dealing with counterfiet money. They train their new recruits by spending most of their time on what "real" money looks like, feels like and even smells like. The same is true for us.
By recognizing what true holiness looks like, feels like and even smells like (well, maybe not "smells" exactly), we will have a much better chance of promoting it in ourselves and others.
Relational holiness is a specific thing that is based on the Way of the Cross and how we follow it. There is spiritual joy and peace in the process. There is spiritual effort and sacrifice as well.
But in the end, there is one element that cannot be faked.
Chapter One – Relational Holiness
Chapter Two – Christian Hedonism
Chapter Three – The Foundations of the Temple
Chapter Four – Spiritual Effort
Chapter Five - Adrift on the Sea of Crystal
Chapter Six – The Magic of Getting What You Want
Chapter Seven – A Sacrifice That Just Won't Die
Chapter Eight – Spiritual Sin
Chapter Nine – The Perspective from Above
Chapter Ten – The Holy Spirit is a Fake (Story)
What a sad commentary to realize that the Religious Spirit is just as prevelant today as it was in the time of Christ.
There are Pharisees in our churches who don't understand the gospel of grace. When they get into power, they can lock the church into a cycle of powerlessness by focusing on the form rather than the essence of the gospel. There are Saduccees who love the politics and crave influence. When they get into power, manipulation, personal interest and agenda are the norm.
There are the Essenes who just want to separate themselves from the pollution of the world and do their devotions and prayers in peace. And then, of course, there are the zealots, focused on their cause (and there are a lot of worthy causes out there).
But, in the end, the question is whether there are any real disciples, willing to follow the Way of the Cross, to help lead the church.
Chapter One - The Humiliation of God
Chapter Two - The Parable of the Religious Slave
Chapter Three - The Religious Leader
Chapter Four - The Religious Church
Chapter Five - Toxic Faith in the Religious Church
Chapter Six - Spiritual Abuse by Religious Leaders
Chapter Seven - The Dangers of Communion
Chapter Eight - The Dark Side of Church Discipline
Chapter Nine - The Unattractive Church
Chapter Ten - Hell is a Joke (Story)
There is a fundamental problem with leadership that even the secular world recognizes. Those that seek power are the most unfit to wield it. We call that the Leadership Paradox.
In the church it is supposed to be different but politics and strife seem to be at every turn. How do we find anointed leaders who can make a real difference in the ministry of the church.
First, we have to acknowledge the problem and why it exists even in the church. Secondly, we need to understand the four authorities and recognize and prioritize spiritual authority. Third, there has to be a real burden of glory in the life of the anointed leader.
After all, isn't it the anointing of God that makes someone fit for leadership in the first place.
Chapter One - The Leadership Paradox
Chapter Two - Educated Beyond My Obedience
Chapter Three - The Curse of Church Politics
Chapter Four - Hard Questions for Elders
Chapter Five - The Four Authorities
Chapter Six - The Spiritual Prayer Map
Chapter Seven - The Twelve Prayers (Part 1)
Chapter Eight - The Twelve Prayers (Part 2)
Chapter Nine - The Burden of Glory
Chapter Ten - Heaven is a Myth (Story)
Spiritual Power is relational. Nothing more. Nothing less. And the relationship is with God (of course). We aren't talking about your devotions and your prayers first of all but rather your "cross" life.
Unless you learn the Way of the Cross via Confession, Repentance, Forgiveness and Reconciliation, you will have no spiritual power. It isn't about personal integrity or morality first of all. It isn't about your position in society or in the church. It isn't even about your influence and relationship with certain people.
The issue is first and foremost whether you relate to God the way He wants you to, via the cross. That is the only way to reveal the glory within and influence people for the gospel without.
Chapter One - Revealing the Glory
Chapter Two - The Three Truths of Holiness
Chapter Three - Spiritual Conversations
Chapter Four - Anointed Ministry
Chapter Five - Confession is Brokenness
Chapter Six - Repentance is Discipleship
Chapter Seven - Forgiveness is Divine
Chapter Eight - Reconciliation is Worship
Chapter Nine - In the Heat of Battle
Chapter Ten - Be Imitators of God (Story)
The 7 Laws of Spiritual Success is not what you would normally expect. It isn't about secular success but about "spiritual" success (which, for Christians, includes what people generally mean by "secular" success but within the context of discipleship).
In other words, your entire life is already a ministry and everything, for Christians, is spiritual. The question is how effective are you at your Life Ministry.
Ambition is expected. Discipline is Essential. This is not a game. After all, discipleship is warfare according to Jesus and Stewardship is accountability and Leadership is Influence.
But the key to everything is the missing link. When you understand that, you will be well on your way to spiritual success.
Chapter One - The 7 Laws of Spiritual Success
Chapter Two - Life Is Ministry (#1)
Chapter Three - Everything Is Spiritual (#2)
Chapter Four - Ambition Is Expected (#3)
Chapter Five - Discipline Is Essential (#4)
Chapter Six - Discipleship Is Warfare (#5)
Chapter Seven - Stewardship Is Accountability (#6)
Chapter Eight - Leadership Is Influence (#7)
Chapter Nine - The Missing Link
Chapter Ten - Seven Hours of Glory (Story)