The "Seeking Jerusalem" Series

Discovering the Power of Spiritual Unity

Seeking Jerusalem - Book Three: The Way of the Cross

The Way of the Cross is not for the faint of heart. Those who meditate on the stations of the cross are left with no doubt that Jesus was almost done in by the cruelty of the Roman soldiers.

But it wasn’t the physical torture that pained him to his soul and robbed him of his strength. No, it was the knowledge that he had become sin and that the wrath of his Father was being poured out upon him throughout this whole ordeal. That was the black shroud upon his soul.

We may not have to endure the physical pain and torture of the cross (even though suffering and persecution may often accompany us on our way).

We certainly will never be asked to bear the wrath of God upon our souls (since we would not survive it, no matter Paul’s good intentions).

But we are called to “pick up our cross” and follow Christ, emulate his attitude and willingness to trust God, and obey him even unto death. Even when the way is dark and the path unclear. That is the Way of the Cross.

But don’t get sidetracked and distracted with visions of glory in our heroic efforts to follow in His footsteps. Remember that it really all comes down to relationships. That doesn’t make it easier, mind you, but rather harder. Impossibly hard, in fact.

The ministry of reconciliation Paul called it. Reconciling the world to God and maintaining and promoting that reconciliation within the church.

Not so easy to do. But worth it if it brings you God’s favor and His Anointing on your life and ministry.



Chapter One – True Confessions

Chapter Two – The Courage of Transparency

Chapter Three – Brokenness

Chapter Four – Spiritual Time Out

Chapter Five – The Culture of Grace

Chapter Six – Faith Walking

Chapter Seven – Healing Power

Chapter Eight – Spiritual Unity

Chapter Nine – Spiritual Trust

Chapter Ten – Spiritual Warfare (story)


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