Seeking Jerusalem - Book One: My Transfiguration

Are you looking forward to the day of your transfiguration?

Say, what?

Yes, your transfiguration. The day that your glory will be revealed.

The disciples saw a glimpse of Christ’s eternal glory that day on the mountain but they would see plainly on a dark afternoon on a hillside outside of Jerusalem his true glory.

The cross of Christ is the glory of God. It demonstrates his character – love fulfilling justice at the cost of himself. Your glory will be the same.

It isn’t so much that you will be expected to die horribly on a cross, although persecution and suffering will come, but rather that you show in your own life the same character of God – the character of Christ – in sacrificially fulfilling the justice of God with love.

When you share the mind (attitude, priorities, values) of Christ, you will also share his purpose. When you learn to suffer for the sake of the gospel, as he did, you will share both in his suffering and in his glory.

Your transfiguration, your glory, will be fully revealed when we see our Savior face to face but its real purpose is to give people here and now a glimpse of what is to come.

Those glimpses of glory can be seen in how you relate to others, your humility when it comes time to confess your sins, and your priorities when it comes to the ministry of reconciliation.

All of the little things in life that add up to character and, in this case, the character of Christ in you. That is your testimony. That is your transfiguration.



Chapter One – The Plan

Chapter Two – The Confession

Chapter Three – The Rebuke

Chapter Four – The Denial

Chapter Five – The Judgment

Chapter Six – The Power and the Glory

Chapter Seven – The Light Cost

Chapter Eight – The Heavy Cost

Chapter Nine – My Transfiguration

Chapter Ten – The Wedding (story)


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