Now we get to the good stuff. After all, if it is true that we are now friends with God and that we have the Holy Spirit within as a guarantee of our salvation, well, life is bound to get very interesting indeed.
And it will. We have become new creatures.
Some naysayers would say that we have been deceived but we think not. We can feel the difference. We have faith, hope, and love and it is producing joy and peace. Yes, we need to keep working on it, but it is already there.
And now that we have a new identity in Christ, now that we are truly human, reconnected with our Father, we also have a new purpose and a new significance. This new identity, purpose, and significance gives us meaning in life. It takes away that existential angst that lies there like the background radiation of the universe to poison everything about life.
Now things are different.
Now we are Walking in the Truth, walking in the Spirit of Truth, following the source of Truth, himself, and it makes all the difference in the world.
Paul lays out some of the fundamental things that have changed and what resources we have available to us as we walk in the truth.
He talks about the sincerity of our love and the secret of faith, hope, and love.
He talks about the power of the resurrected life that is guaranteed to reach heaven without spot or blemish.
He talks about the importance of sharing the good news and seeking true reconciliation with everyone within and without the church.
All of this is ours as followers of Christ on the Roman Road of Salvation.
Chapter One - Love Must Be Sincere (story)
Chapter Two – Walking in the Spirit
Chapter Three – More Than Conquerors
Chapter Four – Living Martyrs
Chapter Five - Living Dangerously (story)
Chapter Six – The Secret
Chapter Seven – Resurrection Maturity
Chapter Eight – Kingdom Evangelism
Chapter Nine – Life on Red Bull
Chapter Ten – God's Love Wins (story)